I hate to repeat myself again and again, but I want to remind you all that if the Chinese government wants its people to invest in bitcoin, the news won’t come from Forbes, it will be on a .gov.cn website

I have an undergraduate degree in Chinese Language and Literature (after becoming literate enough to read newspapers it’s actually far more boring than you might think), and I’ve spent a grand total of 14 months in China.

Not to sound narcisstic, but it’s quite annoying to find people who don’t live in China, don’t speak, read or write mandarin, and don’t have any friends in influential (think: government, not finance) areas in China speculating about the legalization of buying and selling crypto assets in China.

I wrote this a long time ago before prohibitions of mining and buying / trading /selling of crypto in China.


The link above is all you need, minus advertising. The only way I see China legalizing bitcoin is by making something like an ETF for it’s people, and even then it is highly likely that something could go awry similar to the 2014 Chinese stock market crash.

submitted by /u/sgtslaughterTV
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