I launched a trustless ponzi on this sub 4 days ago and it doesn’t show signs of stopping

I launched a trustless ponzi on this sub 4 days ago and it doesn’t show signs of stopping

I soft-launched an Arbitrum app that lets users host or join trustless ponzi games.

You “invest” ETH and earn up to 100% ROI that’s being paid by subsequent “investor” deposits.

The catch is that your funds are only released when you hit the 1-100% ROI threshold (set by the game host).

If the game expires before that – you lose your deposit.

What I did differently from similar games in the past is that I made a jackpot function that pools all of these unreleased funds and gives them to the last player to join the game. It incentivizes players to join indefinitely as the jackpot grows exponentially.

The catch is that each new deposit resets the 10-hour game timer.

And because of that reason this one game is now live ever since launch (over 4 days):


Every time I think it will finally end someone joins and resets the timer.

The last player to deposit a min. of 0.003 ETH is looking to cash 0.124 ETH or more than 40x at the moment.

Or a 100% return on his deposit if enough people join after him.

How do you think this plays out? How much longer will it last?

P.S. the app is called ponzimarket and these are the contracts – https://github.com/swagamoney/ponzi.contracts
(app link is there too)

EDIT: I don’t think I even need to say that but this is VERY risky so please don’t play with anything you can’t afford to lose.

submitted by /u/swagamoney
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