I don’t think Benjamin Cowen can be very happy today

Far be it from me to kick a man while he’s down but I don’t think Ben can be doing very well today given the recent price action. For the uninitiated, he’s been predicting a slow bleed of ETH/BTC down to the 0.03 level for months now.

For the record, I generally respect the guy – he clearly has a decent grounding in mathematics, he’s dedicated to posting regularly, he provides for his family and he seems to have built a decent market information platform.

However this should be a lesson against taking too much stock of technical analysis and ignoring fundamentals like the possibility of an ETF, development news, macro factors etc.

For Ben’s sake I hope he merely rotated to BTC and didn’t actually short ETH and other alts, but there is a bit of humble pie needing to be eaten here I feel in so vociferously proclaiming that ETH was destined to fall in the short term.

submitted by /u/Loose_Screw_
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