Solana proposal simd96 stealing 50% priority burn fees from users to pay themselves being voted in by themsleves update…

I gave the information for the discussion period here:

The proposal is here:

The voting has started and you can find the validators voting in support of this here:

At today’s current prices the users of Solana can expect nearly $1,000,000 USD a day of increased emissions/inflation. If congestion occurs, traffic picks up, or Solana price increase these values will exponentially grow.

The key takeway besides the changing of monetary policy the validators are voting for themselves, there is an exposed risk with having 0% burn fee where the validators will collude to stuff blocks with worthless transactions or copy pasta dozen of ore scripts to manipulate priority fees for profit with no risk.

Just thought people should be aware of this high level centralization and what a lot to consider theft and a bait and switch to steal from investors after traffic and priority fees increased to nearly 90% of all fees on Solana. The level of greed from these validators should be shunned by every solana holder. I hope everyone enjoys the new inflation and devalue of their holdings once this closes.

submitted by /u/Ok-Study3863
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