Loopring at it again. Taiko Airdrop drama.

As alwys loopring team delivers. After 10 quarterly reports, Game Stop fiasko and D.Wang leaving woth Zkvm technology to start new project it was time to wreck the Old users and early adopters, people who bought in years ago because of Zkvm.

Team decided that people who activated the wallet, activated L2, staked and participated in liquidity pools for years are not eligible for the Taiko airdrop.

Why ?

Because they aren’t active enough and they are “Old” users. It means people who staked and provided liquidity in thousands of dollars for years are less active then people who just bought some Lrc month ago.

Guess this is how loyality of early adopters is rewarded.

This Air Drop is worth at least 7/10 quarterly reports

submitted by /u/krfc89
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