15 years later, the Whitepaper looks like a politician’s manifesto before election!

I belive most of us have a positive opinion about it. Is a better storing of value than gold.

But in my opinion some parts of whitepaper are made to inspire and promissing a better future, but weren’t really doable in the reality.

For example, the whitepaper states that Bitcoin was created to address “the inherent weaknesses of the trust based model” of traditional finance, where “the cost of mediation increases transaction costs, limiting the minimum practical transaction size and cutting off the possibility for small casual transactions.” But nowadays banks have lower fees than BTC.

I also hate banks and like the ideia of controlling my money. I identify myself with the message. But at the same time, the whitepaper feels to use the same psycology of promises that politicians use.

After 15 years the ideals and promises laid out in the whitepaper can be seen as having a political dimension.

submitted by /u/Extreme_Nectarine_29
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