Google Outlines Implementation of NIST’s Post-Quantum Cryptography Standard

Google Outlines Implementation of NIST’s Post-Quantum Cryptography Standard

NIST’s previous cryptography standards, developed in the 1970s, are used in almost all devices.

So we will be hearing about the work being done to upgrade nonstop until the old cryptography is phased out.

This will not be like the Taproot/Schnorr soft fork upgrade where users wallets remained backward compatible.

This will require a very thoughtful approach to limit user disruption, in addition to chain performance considerations.

If the solution will require user action, I would assume we need 2-3 years time to allow transition. Add that to the time for solution, build, consensus, and test.

It seems to me the process needs to begin now. What am I missing?

submitted by /u/Original-Assistant-8
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