How is Bryan Legend, founder of Safuu, Vulcan Blockchain, Clever DeFi, OOXY Labs etc. Not in Jail?!

The man must be stopped, seriously. How the hell is he not imprisoned? I don’t understand the man is a serial scammer; he’s stolen millions. No not rugs, literally stealing money and delivering nothing repeatedly.

The fact that this man continues to operate on an international level with impunity is astonishing and really pisses me off.

He has undoubtedly laundered money, committed wire fraud, investment fraud, fraudulent misrepresentation, embezzlement, tax evasion and various conspiracies.

If you have any love for crypto, submit a 5m anonymous report to a federal agency; the man is single-handedly ruining peoples lives and further destroying crypto’s already brittle public reputation yet walks around and does fucking interviews like he’s untouchable.

Bryan Legend.

submitted by /u/Dramatic_Sentence_57
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