Probably a dumb question

Hey this may be a dumb question to ask on reddit of all places but I don’t know where else to go, and at least reddit sometimes has normal people on here. I’m new to crypto and investing in general, I’m wanting to invest in some crypto but I feel like I’d like to learn as much as I can so I can be relatively smart about it. The problem is from what I can tell I can’t find any sources to learn online that are trustworthy. Most of them just seem like they’re trying to get people to buy a certain coin or whatever so that it benefits them.

As far as crypto goes I’m not looking to become a bajillionaire I’m just looking to make a couple hundred or thousand bucks here and there from catching trends and whatnot. Idk if that makes sense or not, but im just not sure where to go to learn. I’m currently looking at buying 2500 bucks of eth because it seems stable and pretty low right now and looks like it may raise back up but idk if I just wanna jump in. Thanks

submitted by /u/Mryoy12
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