IOTA Successfully Completes European Blockchain PC

IOTA has successfully completed the third and final phase of the European Blockchain Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP). The PCP aims to design new DLT solutions for Europe

The solutions for the European Blockchain PCP combines DAG-based Tangle distributed ledger technology with open-source building blocks, open APIs, and potential third-party platforms in the future European Blockchain services ecosystem.

IOTA’s built prototypes:

Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Management: By using smart contracts, NFTs, and decentralized identities (DIDs) in an IPR Marketplace accessible via an EU Digital Identity-compatible credential wallet, IOTA automates and ensures fair, transparent royalty payments for music in films Digital Product Passports (DPP): IOTA developed solution prototypes for an Electronics DPP, tracking device life cycles from manufacturing to recycling, and Plastics DPP, recording the transformation of agricultural plastic waste into bioplastic.

IOTA’s Innovations Tested in PCP:

Scalability: IOTA tested Tangle Tree sharding, achieving 90K confirmed transactions per second across 100 nodes, demonstrating horizontal and vertical scalability under diverse conditions. Sustainability: Developed energy-efficient methods, showing that energy consumption scales logarithmically with transactions, supporting carbon neutrality. Security: Enhanced security with quantum-resistant cryptography and compliance with CISA, NSA, and NIST standards, including cybersecurity and data protection assessments. Data Processing: Implemented an auditable item graph for tracking and processing objects, integrating multiple vocabularies and international standards. Technical Maturity: Strengthened robustness with disaster recovery plans, interoperability, and integration with external data sources.

IOTA is now in conversations with partners, governments, and governmental agencies to help scale solutions and use cases into commercial products – just like the recently announced Eviden Digital Passport Solution

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submitted by /u/mislav_
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