Is anyone actually using Helium (HNT) internet/mobile network; is it good or slow/dropped connections?

I thought this chain would die off but it’s still going and the coverage map is decent except for huge swaths of no reception between cities.

I live in a city, so I figured I could just switch to this for both home internet & mobile phone, is that a reality today or we’re still a couple of years away?

Recently was on a trip to Canada and I had to pay for roaming, but the coverage map basically covers nearly every city, so perhaps I could have even used the roaming feature.. checking their docs there’s an eSim option.. ok.. without getting into specifics seems like I could have done it on the fly too.

Anyways, wondering if I should wait or get on board and figured this sub would have the most knowledge on the matter including criticism to know if it’s actually worth it right now.

submitted by /u/provoko
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