Divorce and crypto

I’m hoping there’s some experts here that wouldn’t mind giving advice. I’m in a abusive relationship and looking at a possible divorce soon. Hubby is very into crypto as a way to hide money. I never argued about the crypto as he scares the crap out of me so whatever makes him happy. But now if we get divorced… Everything is in crypto. He took out a heloc on our house and it’s in crypto. There’s never any cash in the bank. Basically everything is crypto. He’s never allowed me to work or go to school so I am going to have a difficult time in the beginning making money. I’m not allowed to leave the house without permission and when I do he checks on me the entire time. Honestly not even sure if I’ll ever be able to go see a lawyer because it’s so hard to leave the house.

Any tips on how to just get my fair share? Or am I absolutely screwed?

submitted by /u/Magenta_Glow
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