Fat Finger protection?

I wanted to sell an altcoin for BTC, so I moved it to Kucoin. I didn’t want to sell it right away, but after a potential run up.

The current price was : 0,00008 BTC. I put in a limit order at 0,0001 BTC, so that in case it might reach that high one day, it would trigger the limit order.

Instead, I fat fingered it and put in an extra 0, putting the price I wanted to sell for WAY below the current price. The order triggered immediately.

To my surprise, I didn’t recieve 1/10th of the BTC I was hoping for, because of the low price, but I recieved around the current market price for it.

How does that work? Why doesn’t anyone fill my order for my (way too low) price? Or is my order automatically filled by the next buy order?

In other words: I was glad that my fat finger didn’t actually sell my alt coin for these low prices. Is that supposed to happen or is this some kind of fat finger protection by the exchange?

submitted by /u/Y0rin
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