How am I this bad at crypto.

How am I this bad…

I’m so disappointed rn 🙁

I’ve been buying crypto on Coinbase since may 2021..

I just added up the Coinbase deposits from my bank..

I invested $15,000 over the past 3 years. As of Right now my portfolio is worth only $17,500.

I didn’t realize I was this close to being in the negative…

(I might actually be negative bc I lost 1k or 2k in the last bull market on Robinhood bc I was a noob)

A lot of it has to do with the fact that when Bitcoin was bottomed at 16k in November 22 I didn’t have a job and I was pretty broke… still bought what I could tho

I could’ve bought a whole Bitcoin if I just got a job a few month earlier, and I probably would have too…

I started my job in March 2023 after it already pumped. And got rekt bc I kept waiting for a dip to go all in – but it never did

I got played so hard… after November 22 Bitcoin basically went up and never dipped.

I also bought the wrong coins, I put 5k into xrp at 60 cents last summer, the biggest mistake. Can’t believe it’s .50c rn.

I never sell, only buy. My hands are pure diamonds but my brain is dirt and worms.

I could’ve sold some crazy pumps but chose not to bc I didn’t feel like dealing with taxes…

I just bought all losing coins. I can’t believe I failed this hard.

Listened to so many different YouTubers and crypto shows and Twitter investors with opposing views.. bought RWA and DeFi mostly and they all failed.

Didn’t buy much btc bc I kept waiting for a dip… I eventually fomo’d into btc and eth at 47k.

1k into Quant, 1k into XDC, 5k into XRP These were the worst by far.

My only winners were hbar, chainlink, and ICP.

My wins and losses cancel out, it’s pretty much like i never even bought anything.

3 years buying during a crypto bear market and nothing to show for it at new Bitcoin ath

Why did I not hear about Render until it pumped to $10. Why did I only hear bad things about Solana and how it breaks down and the developers suck blah blah blah.

I get it, I thought I was smart by buying cryptos that “could” be useful in a world where nobody actually uses crypto irl.

I now understand why meme coins make the most money. Bc that’s the reason why we are all here.

All cryptos are pretty much meme coins at this time if you really think about it.

I get it now – but now that I’m slightly dabbling into solana meme coins – watch the meme coin season end and something else that I’ve never heard about be the new thing.

Man I just can’t believe I’m just slightly above breaking even after 3 years…

I am the perfect example of the retail noob idiot I guess

submitted by /u/Freezy1111
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