The catapult to 100K will be swift and faster than expected

The catapult to 100k will be swift and will happen faster than expected

1.) We’ve been ranging for almost five months.

2.) Everyone expects this entire summer and maybe even the fall to be full of nothingness

3.) Bitcoin loves to catapult up when everyone is finally bored of it

4.) We’re post halving and have created an obvious floor in the 50Ks

The time is to now to continually load up. Over its entire history, Bitcoin has catapulted up after the halving every single time with no exceptions. People may say that we’ve only had a few halvings but that’s all we can go by and this data is over a period of more than ten years. Sometimes, the best thing to do is to simply follow a pattern.

I know tons of people here were calling for the 40ks while we were in the 50ks but the 60ks will be the new 50ks soon. People in 2016 thought 20k was too high in 2022. Think in terms of the future and don’t miss out this time.

submitted by /u/btctrader12
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