r/CC Special Members can now post stand alone high quality images on the CryptoCurrency sub.

CCIP-089 has passed and rCC Special Members are now able to post images on r/CryptoCurrency.

Rules for Special Members posting images on rCC:

The Image Post is not a Meme or other “Low Quality” Image Post. Some Examples of Low Quality Image posts include: Price Graphs Charts Portfolios The Image Post should have complete context from the title and image alone. If the post requires additional context outside of the image and title – post it as a text post and add the image to the text post.

Any disputes regarding what is / what is not a high quality image will ultimately be up to mod discretion.

You can learn more about rCryptoCurrency special membership here: https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1cyvqam/special_memberships_are_now_live_on_rcc/

We hope special members are able to enjoy this new and exclusive perk and look forward to further expanding the rCC Special Membership program in the future.

submitted by /u/GabeSter
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