While there’s a lot of scams in crypto, due to so much money being in this space and because of the convenience of crypto, at the same time it’s a place where with a minimum of knowledge you are able to customize security in an unprecedented way, and can control more points of weakness.

This is something we couldn’t do before.

With traditional finance, you always had to hand over your money to someone else, and trust them with the security, and hoped they knew what they were doing.

In the old days, it seemed like traditional finance was genuinely worried about their reputation, so it was easier to trust them, and you could trust that they would have the best security.

Nowadays, it seems like it’s a numbers game, and whenever a financial institution messes up big time, loses people’s funds, or burns its customers, there’s just a quick settlement in court, a slap on the wrist, thousands of customers fucked over, and hardly any headlines manage to get out there to make them worry about their reputation. They seem to be able to afford burning customers, as long as it’s under a certain percentage.

Now, I’m not saying we should completely turn away from traditional finance.

But we do need to have an alternative option at hand.

Crypto may still be volatile and the target of scams, but it’s still the only option you have where you can have any real control over your money, if you go with 100% ownership and custody.

And while we live in a world where it’s hard to know who to trust, and it seems like everyday someone gets burned and loses all their funds, we also have a unique ability to customize the security of our money at any level we want.

In fact, without needing any incredible resources and only just enough knowledge, we can give our crypto high levels of security, that can make our funds more secure and have fewer weak points than a traditional bank account.

And yes, one of the few weak point is still yourself. But even if you’re a Mr Magoo, there are still methods to mitigate that weak point and control it.

That’s the power of fully customizable security.

You can customize your security for anything that suits you and anything that worries you.

PS: I have made posts about specifics security measures in the past, but I’ll make a new one about the different methods of adding layers of security to your crypto.

submitted by /u/fan_of_hakiksexydays
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