Zoom Adopts NIST Standards as Quantum Resistant Cryptography Gains Traction – Blockchains Next?

Zoom Adopts NIST Standards as Quantum Resistant Cryptography Gains Traction – Blockchains Next?

Quantum resistant projects had a nice run up as we learned about Vitalik’s emergency plans, Apple’s imessage, Coin Bureau team investigating QR coins, and non-stop breakthroughs in quantum computing, along with countries putting heavy focus on preparing.

Since then, these projects really cooled off.

People like to categorize coins into certain narratives, and Quantum will continue to grow in awareness.

But for most of these projects, planning for quantum resistance is just one of the features.

$QRL was one of the first to really focus on building a quantum resistant chain and continues to seek adoption. I’ve argued lack of evm compatibility, which is something they have been working to address. It’s also been difficult to buy for many, but had got a mexc listing a while back. Perhaps a sleeping opportunity, I personally have not been able to buy it. .042 recent high, .028 current

$CELL another that has launched a main product, but still has a lot left to build to create an ecosystem. KelVPN launch had also fueled it’s rise to 2.19, currently .77. Looks to be building a DOT like capability. Still work to be done a 2-way bridge.

$QANX reached .10 before falling all the way back to .037. News of EU country using their tech, and Ethereum board member Patrick Storchenegger being CEO of Qanplatfrom IP holding company drove the run-up. Also anticipation of testnet recently delivered. Looks like people expected more hype with testnet, as price dropped despite adding a new CEX and providing generous rewards.

Several others such as hbar, algo, xx, ame, electra all boast of some quantum resistant capabilities or approaches

submitted by /u/Original-Assistant-8
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